
Moving Day (Part 3)

Hey all…sorry there’s such a backlog on my blog entries. I really need to get with it, don’t I? I’ll just quickly post what we did on Sunday and then update you on the rest of my fan-tab-u-lous1 week.

Sunday morning, instead of being referred to as a “moving morning,” would better fall under the heading of “nothing-important-really-happening.” This was actually sort of a lucky break for me, cause I was mucho sore from moving things the day before. Back on topic, it’s apparently state law here in nowheresville that you have to inspect your apartment (or condo, I suppose), and record any…deficiencies you find for posterity2 when you first rent it. With any normal person, this job wouldn’t take too long…maybe a half an hour at the most. But with my dad? We didn’t get done til 1 in the afternoon! Mind you, we weren’t doing it all morning…I didn’t even get up until about 9, and then spent about an hour “doing homework3”. So all in all, we probably didn’t get started until about 10:30 or 11. But still, that’s a long time inspecting. We had to write down every chip in the paint, dent in the wall, slightly bent part of the ceiling4, and splatter of paint on the doors. Actually, to be more accurate, Dad wrote it all down. I followed him with my notebook5 and did some more “homework” while he freaked out about random faulty paint jobs. All in all, not the best morning I’ve ever had.
After our almost freakishly late lunch, he decided to go look at the closing furniture store in my town to see if we could get anything that we needed for bargain prices. We ended up getting me a new bed6, which I have mixed feelings about. On the plus side, it was an extremely good deal and probably better than anything else I might have gotten for the same price7, and it’s really comfortable. On the not-so-plus side, now that I have a bed, I can start staying at his house regularly. And he doesn’t even have internet yet. Joy.
By about 3 o’clock, Dad finally got his head in order and decided to start moving things. We didn’t take much that day, just the rest of the stuff from his room and some more food for me (I’ll tell you why I need that some other time…) and then the entertainment center. The nice thing about this was, it took a lot of time, and when we got back to his place and got everything inside, it was pretty much time for dinner. So that meant no more moving things that night! While I was preparing dinner (Campbell’s soup out of a can…yum, yum), my dad hooked up the VCR to the TV. We had taped two basketball games on Saturday, and we watched one of them (Duke vs. Michigan) during dinner. I won’t bore you with everything I could say about this at the time (Duke is my team), but suffice it to say that Duke won…by a lot. When that was over, I just decided to go to bed8 and thus avoid talking to him. As you can see, my weekend was so fun it was unbelievable. Until next time…


By the way…2 points to BlackOpal for catching my book reference. Figured you’d get it!

1 of course without that tinge of sarcasm…
2 um
m, not really on the posterity thing. But you take my point.
3 because apparently “reading Harry Potter” has been added to my curriculum ;)
4 in our apartment, we have those school ceilings…the ones with the removable tiles.
5 the one with the story I’m writing in it
6 actually, it was just the mattress and box springs, but whatever.
7 for those of you who missed the memo the first time, my dad is extremely cheap.
8 on my new mattress, mind you

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