
V For Valium

Estoy: Sugared out, becoming pink-o-phobic, and fulfilling my position as your resident cynic.
Currently Reading1: Airman, by Eoin Colfer. YA Adventure. 5/5
Pagan’s Vows and Pagan’s Scribe, by Catherine Jinks. YA historical fiction.
Books 3 and 4 in the Pagan Chronicles. 5/5.

Happy Valentines Day to all who celebrate it, and happy sugar fest to all who don’t really feel compelled but are surrounded by lovestruck ones. I fall in to the second category, personally, but don’t hold it against me. That's the reason behind the title—I almost needed Valium to make it through the day. My school decided to tell all girls to wear pink today and all guys to wear red. I felt surrounded and slightly scared. Needless to say, I wore black. Back on topic, though. In my opinion, Valentine’s Day is nothing more than another time for marketers to make a lot of money. Not that I’m against the idea of it—I do think that love is a good thing, despite the fact that it hasn’t found me yet2. However, Valentine’s Day as a day for lovers has no historic significance. And for all of the people I love, I don’t feel I need a day to remember them. I tell them I love them often. After all, they deserve more than one day. I know that for some of you, Valentine’s Day can be painful—Scott likes to call it “Singles Awareness Day”—but there’s no reason you can’t have fun today as well. Instead of focusing on the fact that you don’t have a significant other, take time to realize that you are loved by your friends and your parents. If nothing else, get on a huge sugar high.
I think I did I bit too much sugar-highing today, which is quite surprising. I didn’t really get that much candy…just a box of hearts from one of my closest friends, a bag of goodies and a sucker from other close friends, and candy in Spanish class. However, I’ve already eaten it all and am therefore a bit hyper. And it’s taking me awhile to type this, because my fingers are even more dyslexic than usual3. But I have laughed hard and often today, so that’s something.
DataMatch—ah, DataMatch4. I must tell you how this turned out. I’m not sure, but I think I did mention this in a previous entry. If not, go back, read the footnote, and then try to keep up as much as possible, kay? And if I didn’t mention it, I do apologize. Anyhow, I’m sure you’re just dying to know who was on my list. Well, the first one happened to be the boyfriend of one of my friends—Wiley5. Well, I wasn’t going to tell him, but as Katie (his girlfriend) was reading my list, he saw. Everyone else in the band found this to be hilarious, but Wiley and I were kind of…not so thrilled. Not that we hate eachother, but we seem to be in a perpetual argument. I mean, of all the people on my list, he is probably the one that I like the most. Not that I would date him, really, even if he wasn’t going out with Katie. My list seems to be filled with nerds, which I guess is fitting. I’m a pretty big nerd myself. My top match in the whole school was sophomore Connor. According to Katie (who is on swim team), he’s a good swimmer and also pretty cute. Not that I’m going to go seek out any person off of the printout.
I suppose I should be off now to do some valentine-y things, so I hope you all have a good rest of the day. Until next time…

1 And Currently Read, since I don’t blog nearly as much as I read. Just so you know that I really don’t read 3 books at once.
Ah, how tragic, right? No, not really. I am still young and face it, everyone gets their share of heartbreak.
3 Believe me, fingers can be dyslexic. It’s a special talent that mine have.
4 For Datamatch, everyone interested in participating fills out a questionnaire. You are then matched with people who have similar interests and given the percentage of things you have in common. Just for the record, my highest was 57%.
5 Wiley was the guy, for the record. Not the friend.

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