

Hello and welcome to my blog! I know it sounds incredibly interesting, since the title shows off my extremely creative nature, and I promise you I'll do my best to keep you hooked.
Since you’re (hopefully) going to be reading this for a while, I should start by telling you un poco1 about moi2.
My name is Caryn. That’s all I’ll ever tell you of my name, so get used to it. Not that I’m incredibly paranoid or anything, but I’m not having any cyber-stalkers at my door. Nuh-uh. And my name? Yeah, it’s not all that common. Secondly, I live in the middle of Freaking Nowhere, USA3. And don’t ask me any more about that, either.
I am 5’4” ish, brown (sometimes) curly hair, big brown eyes, and a big smile. We’re not gonna go too much into how I think I look, cause we could go on for a while there. But suffice it to say, I’m usually happy with my appearance. It’s not like it’s gonna change or anything. And no, before you ask, I would never get plastic surgery.
I’m 14, a freshman in high school. Fun, fun. I find school in general to be pretty easy, and I spend a lot of my spare time reading. More on that later. I also enjoy computers (duh) and I play the clarinet and the guitar. I really love music. It’s like, my life! Yup, I’m a band geek. I’m actually pretty nerdy/geekish when you think about it. I actually like most of school. I love math. I’ve been in a few math and science competitions, actually. They’re fun. And I have trophies/medals from them. I love band and marching band. In my spare time, I read. I have soundtracks/band music on my iPod. And, oh yeah, I visit fansites. Wow, I’m cool, no?
You know, I’m generally not into labels either. Or, at least, not the prejudice that comes with them. But, whatever. I am who I am and I’m proud of it!
Anyhow…I also like sports. I tried out for volleyball, but I was cut. I didn’t try out for basketball, cause at the summer camp I attended, I was the worst one there. But I’m doing track—high jump and maybe pole vault and some sprints. I also love gym class. Yep, I do everything.
I think that’s probably enough information for you to absorb in one day, no? Uh-huh, that’s what I thought too.
Hopefully I’ll be back soon, giving you a glimpse of new and exciting happenings. Or, at least giving you a new and exciting perspective on things that are actually quite old and tedious. Until next time…


1 A bit (Spanish)
Me (French, for those of you who are extremely languagely challenged…)
Thanks to a certain book for that quote there.

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