
Christmas List!

Current mood: procrastinator!
Currently reading: The Society of S—Susan Hubbard. Adult, Sci-Fi and fantasy. 5/5 so far!

So far, I haven’t had an extremely big week. Just same old, same old…swimming in gym class, lessons in all my other classes. Ah, school. It’s almost nice to be in such a mindless routine. Almost.
I’m getting pretty pumped for Christmas! I can’t believe it’s only1…12 days away! God, actually that’s really really scary. I have most of my prezzies for my friends, and I’m getting the rest of them tomorrow, but my family? Not so much. I have no idea what my sister even wants for Christmas. She will be home tomorrow2, so I guess I can ask her then. I thought that I’d post my Christmas list today, just in case any of my online admirers care to…buy me anything. Not really, I just thought it’d be interesting. Now if I could only find where I put it…!
-sweaters—it gets cold where I live, and I get cold more easily than the average person. Therefore, I spend a lot of time in sweaters. Winter is about 5 months long here, after all.
-skinny jeans—what can I say? I love skinnies…stylish yet comfortable. And I just love jeans in general.
-other cute, random, and exciting things—just because I didn’t specifically list it here doesn’t mean I don’t want it! I have a slight clothes fetish, okay?
-slouch boots—preferably black suede. I know suede is not the best for snowy areas, but it just looks better than leather!
-converse—of any color other than black and brown, cause those are the two I already have. Preferably high tops as well, cause everyone knows that low tops aren’t as cool.
big necklaces—I love necklaces. I wear them all the time. But I’m a person for loud jewelry. I don’t generally wear really delicate-looking stuff. It’s just not me.
-bangles—almost as good as necklaces. Bracelets are fun, too. I enjoy the whole “dressing up” thing. It’s a way to amuse yourself!
-skinny headbands—the wide ones don’t look good on me, but they’re a good way to hold your hair back. Really, they are!
Jewelry Box: actually, I already know I’m getting this one, cause I was there when my mom bought it for me. Haha. And when we checked it out on self-checkout? The item name that came up was “Jew Box.” Is someone at Wal-Mart feeling slightly racist??
Leather Ligature: for my clarinet. They may not be as pretty as the other ones, but they make your tone a lot better. Therefore, I want one!
Journal: I’m almost out of paper in my other one. I need a new one! I like to write. Enough said.
Lip Gloss: Chap stick—with color! What else could a girl need, you know?3
Books: (this may be pretty long…)
-Maximum Ride 1, 2, and 3, by James Patterson. Yep, 1holly and Molly4 got me hooked. And now these are some of my faves.
-Artemis Fowl 5, by Eoin Colfer, in paperback. I know it’s out already, but our Barnes & Noble won’t have it til freaking March 15! On the observant side, that’s exactly5….four months before The Time Paradox6 is scheduled for release. But back on topic…
-Pretties and Specials, by Scott Westerfield. I love Scott Westerfield, and while I understand that these books were a bit too sci-fi for people to get into, I absolutely loved them. Note—read Extras as well. It has a new main character and an exciting plot!
-Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King, by JRR Tolkien. I have the other two, but not the third one. This is one of my favorite fantasy series!
-New Moon, by Stephenie Meyer, if it’s out in paperback. I only get books in paperback, if you couldn’t tell. I love these books…vampire books are always fun!
Well, that’s about it for the list today! Hope everyone here has a good weekend and all! Until next time….


1 *counts on fingers*
2 She’s currently at college in Washington
3 actually, a lot…but that’s beside the point.
4 that rhymed…special!
5 *counts on fingers…* again!
Which is Artemis Fowl 6, for those of you on the less-informed circuit.

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